Bespoke therapy packages
Many Chapters therapy packages provide support on an individual and whole school basis. Depending on individual school requirements, packages can include:
- One-to-one therapy for identified children
- Group therapy (focused on a specific theme or need)
- Joint child and parent dyadic therapy
- Lunchtime pupil drop-in sessions (inclusive support for all pupils)
- Parent workshops
- Whole school staff training (on topics such as 'Attachment and the Brain,' 'How to Run a Nurture Group,' and 'Emotional Regulation Tools' for general CPD and INSET days)
- Staff therapy sessions to support wellbeing and practice
- Whole school staff training (on topics such as 'Attachment and the Brain,' 'How to Run a Nurture Group,' and 'Emotional Regulation Tools' for general CPD and INSET days)
We are currently working with local authorities and funders in an attempt to provide subsidised contracts with schools. We hope this will remove financial barriers, enabling mental health support to reach every pupil in need.